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Welcome to the NDSRC Convention Registration and Vendor Information
Registration for conference:
The NDSRC 2025 State Convention will be held in Bismarck, ND, April 15th and 16th.
The board and committees are always open to ideas and volunteers to assist with this great event! Please reach out through our "Contact Us" link to ask for more information.
The NDSRC state convention cannot happen without the support of our wonderful Vendors. We are open to hosting a variety of booths, including human resources, medical device companies, pharmaceutical companies, educational programs, etc. Our pricing plans for vendors are below. More detailed information will be released prior to the 2025 Convention.

Register as Attendee (AARC or non-member), or Vendor
- Best Value as AARC Member
AARC 2 Day Admission
160$AARC member Attendance for both days of conferenceÂ- 2 day admission fee for AARC Members- BEST DEAL!
- Vendor Hall, all speakers and CEU's, entertainment
- Refreshments available
- Attendance to Annual Business Luncheon for latest news
AARC Single Day
100$Single day AARC member admissionÂNon AARC Member Single Day
200$Non AARC member single day admissionÂNon AARC Member 2 Day Admission
280$Non AARC member- Attend both days of conferenceÂAARC Student
70$AARC Student member- attend both days of conferenceÂNon AARC Member - Student - 2 Days
120$Non AARC student member- attend both days of conferenceÂVendor Basic
500$Vendor BoothÂ- booth
- 2 people
Vendor Gold
750$Vendor Gold SponsorshipÂ- Booth
- 2 people
- Sponsor a conference break/meal
- Company recognition on Conference advertisement
Vendor Platinum
1,000$Vendor Platinum SponsorÂ- Prime Booth Location
- 2 people
- Sponsor a meal/break
- Company recognized on conference promotion literature/banner
- Company Logo displayed on screen between speakers/breaks
- Promote company on social media and website
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